Learn to Skate

Learn to Skate Program is back! 

This program is designed to teach inexperience skaters age 4 and up how to ice skate. 

Required Gear: Helmet, Gloves, Sweatshirt/Jacket. A bike helmet will work. Shawano Hockey League will supply skates and a helmet, if needed.  

When: Sunday afternoons from 4:00 to 5:00PM

Dates: Nov. 17th, Nov. 24th, Dec. 1st, Dec. 8th, and Dec. 15th

Fee: $40.00 (fee includes a free skate rental during learn to skate sessions and a punch card for free admissions to 5 public open skates ($25 value)). 

Any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out at shl-info@shawanohockey.org